
Yerba Maté Circle

402 Kimbark St Longmont, CO, United States

Yerba Mate is a tea leaf native to the Atlantic Forest of South America and contains the full spectrum of amino acids your brain needs to aid in the recovery […]

Ted Talk Thursday

Recovery Café Longmont 402 Kimbark St, Longmont, CO, United States

Recovery is ongoing, and Ted Talks can provide a springboard to self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Start building your library of resources to support you throughout your recovery.

LGBTQIA + (and Allies) AA Meeting

Recovery Café Longmont 402 Kimbark St, Longmont, CO, United States

This meeting follows AA’s principles and traditions while honoring the diverse identities and challenges within the LGBTQIA+ community. Allies are welcome to join in solidarity and support. Together, we create […]

Open Mic Night @ MeCo Coffee

MeCo Coffee Collective 627 Main St, Longmont, CO, United States

Join us to kick-off our 2025 Open Mic Nights at MeCo Coffee in Longmont! Staff will be at MeCo at 4 PM; performances will go from 5 PM until 7 […]

Alcoholics Anonymous

402 Kimbark St Longmont, CO, United States

Alcoholics Anonymous is an outside organization.Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem.  It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are […]


Recovery Café Longmont 402 Kimbark St, Longmont, CO, United States

Saturday AcuDetox sessions are for Recovery Café Longmont members only. AcuDetox•AcuWellness is a 5-point acupuncture treatment given to each ear that is used to help reduce mental health symptoms such as […]

Recovery Circle

Recovery Café Longmont 402 Kimbark St, Longmont, CO, United States

Circles provide a chance to know and let yourself be known by others in recovery. They are a weekly check-in where we focus on successes, challenges, and goals.