Regular hours of operation are:

Tuesday: 11 AM – 7 PM

Wednesday, Thursday: 11 AM – 3 PM

Friday: 4 PM – 7 PM

Saturday: 12 PM – 3 PM

Several classes and support groups are offered before and after Café hours of operation.

Please see our schedule for more information.



Walking Each Other Home

Conversation & Kleenex: Chapter Four

Lifelong Experience For someone who has experienced the fullness of a long life, ‘Jane’ has been challenged to face new obstacles in her senior days. In her mid-60s, she watched her life change from happily married, housed, and healthy, to one heartbreak after another. In a year-long spiral of pain and heartbreak, Jane has walked

Conversation and Kleenex: Chapter One

Local Community Comes Together Last week, staff and volunteers got to bear witness to the purpose and love of Recovery Café Longmont. A secretary at a local church brought a woman who was struggling with alcoholism. She didn’t know how to help this woman, so she brought her to the Café for a site visit,

We are a proud Member of the

Recovery Café Network